Whether you're new to Kundalini Yoga or a seasoned practitioner, this series will open and energize your heart center and offer tools and insights to help you live a more heart centered life.
*Note on format: This class will be offered both online and in person. Be sure to register for either the in person or online option (the online option is discounted and you'll receive the Zoom links to join).
When: Saturdays, 10:00-11:30 am, Jan. 25-Feb. 22
Next Series: Activate Abundance- Just in case you want to plan to do both: Same time, March 8-April 5
Pricing: In person drop ins, class passes, and memberships are welcome.
Discounted Series Pricing:
Full 5 week Series $65*, and will be prorated if you join after. You will automatically be registered in all 5 classes. Both Series: Heart Activation Series (starts Jan. 25) & Activate Abundance Series (Starts March 8): $120*. With this or any other pass, you will need to manually register into each one. You'll receive a recording if you can't make it to class.
This pass is steeply discounted from the normal in person prices, so even if you miss 1 or two classes, you're still getting a good deal and will receive the recordings. If you'd rather just come occasionally, you may want to sign up for one series, purchase a
In Person 5 class pass, $85, or a
$20 in person drop in.
*Payment Note: The credit card fee of around $2.25 will be included in your total for the 5 class series, and $3.75 for the 10 class series.
To avoid the fee you can send your payment via Venmo and include your name and email and/or phone number, my handle is @ruby-koa (just please don’t press the "purchases" button as I get a fee). The last four digits of my phone number is 8556.
Or you can use the email [email protected] to find me on Zelle, or to contact me to arrange payment by check or cash. Just put in the comments KY Series, the start date, whether you're doing 5 weeks or all 10, and include your email so that once I receive your payment, I can register you manually.
Location: Presence Studio, 1412 Cornwall Ave.
Since the meters downtown start at 11, I recommend paying for parking via your phone so you only have to pay for 45 minutes of parking.
What to bring: yoga mat, optional journal, pen, and crystal or special item to increase your focus and attention.
*Note on Kundalini Yoga: Though I am certified to teach Kundalini Yoga through KRI, I am aware that the founder of this style of yoga has fallen from grace to say the least and that the way he combined aspects of the Sikh tradition with the yoga is controversial. However, I believe benefit can still be found in the yoga sequences themselves and I try my best to use my intuition when I plan my classes and often what I'm guided to teach comes from other modalities as well. Many people have said that I have a knack for putting my own spin on this style of yoga and making it accessible for the modern practitioner. You can always contact me at 360-447-8778 to have a conversation about this.