This is the online registration for the Activate Abundance 5 week Kundalini Yoga Series. Since it is challenging to get the sound of the gong online, Ruby will be either muting the class for 10-15 minutes for the relaxation segment near the end of class or playing a gong recording. You may want to have music cued and ready to go for that part. Some people also leave early, so if you do, just be sure to tune out of class by either chanting a long Sat and short Nam three times, by singing the long time sunshine song, or some other closing that resonates with you.
As we approach the spring season, the energy of abundance is all around us. It’s the perfect time to unlock the flow of prosperity in every aspect of your life. Through dynamic yoga sets, powerful meditations, mantras, and sound healing, you’ll dissolve blocks, amplify your creative potential, and align with the energy of abundance.
Join us for this transformative journey to shift your mindset, expand your capacity to receive, and embody the radiant flow of abundance. No prior experience needed—just an open heart and a willingness to grow!
Though the exact themes may change as I more fully plan this series, the following will give you an idea of what we’ll be covering.