Inspire Studio

Free Online Intro to Conscious Movement with Mini Sound Bath
with Ruby Koa & Denise Skinner


February 22 (Thursday)
at 7:00 pm (GMT-08:00)

Class length
60 minutes


Join Ruby and movement teacher Denise Skinner in a lovely session that will allow you to shift stuck energy in your body by moving to music and then integrating your dance experience relaxing to sound healing instruments like Tibetan metal singing bowls and chimes.

Our intention in offering this free event is to give you a taste of our upcoming in person offering, New Moon Conscious Movement & Sound Journey on March 10 at Presence Studio.


Feel more IN your body

Feel better from moving to fun and heart centered music

Feel more relaxed and release stress and tension

Get out of your thinking mind and more connected to your body

Movement of your life force energy

With: Ruby Koa & Denise Skinner

When: Thursday February 22nd, 7:00-8:00 pm

Where: Online Via Zoom

Price: Free. Please REGISTER HERE 

You’ll receive a recording even if you can’t make it live.

What to Bring or Have Available: A space to dance! Hook up to an outside speaker if possible (not your computer speaker)

Yoga mat, cushion/bolster and blankets for sound bath portion.

More on Azul Conscious Movement: Denise teaches a modality of conscious dance called "Azul Conscious Movement", that was founded 10 years ago by the previous 5 Rhythms teacher of over 20 years, Amara Pagano. She developed a beautiful spiral map, that when embodied can awaken consciousness and connect us to our hearts to awaken love.


In each class, the facilitator uses elements of the spiral in which to explore as well as it follows what she coined the "4 orientations" of "Listening, Allowing, Opening and Moving Towards".

During each Azul class, we call on the intelligence of our body which contains all the information needed in order to complete our healing journey and access our full power.

Through music and movement we can often get into our bodies to actually feel what is going on, then through the process of dance and the "journey" that the facilitator takes us on, it can help liberate the stuck energy and move into more wholeness and connection with what our bodies are trying to tell us.

You can learn more about Denise at:


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