This is from Ruby's 9.23.23 Sat. Kundalini Yoga class. As the live class was the actual day of the Fall Equinox, that will be our class theme. We'll do a fun warm up sequence that includes balancing postures and then practice the Pituitary Gland Series for our Kriya. We'll do about 2/3rd times for the exercises, so about 2 instead of 3 minutes each.
I'll guide you through an about 15 minute yoga nidra or guided relaxation during Shavasana. After that we'll practice a short version of the Pran Bandha Mantra Meditation which uses the Pavan Pavan mantra.
Here's a link to the music we used for the Pavan Pavan Mantra:
Here's the lyrics:
Pavan Pavan Pavan Pavan,
Para Paraa, Pavan Guroo,
Pavan Guroo, Wha-Hay Guroo,
Wha-Hay Guroo, Pavan Guroo
For more info on this meditation, visit:
Focus: Fall Equinox, 6th/3rd Eye Chakra/Pituitary Gland, balance, hip flexors, piriformis, shoulders.
Props: Blocks, blanket