This is probably one of my favorite meditations. There's so much you attend to within in it: chanting, visualization, mudras, and more, that by the end, you're sure to have experienced quite a shift. I'm even including it in the SOS Practices section of the Content Library because it's probably one of the most studied kundalini yoga meditation. Studies have proven that if practiced over even a couple of months, wellbeing, brain activity, concentration, mood, and so much more is positively increased. It's even helped practitioners experience an increase in their intuition and has been helpful in releasing old habits.
The song used in this meditation is by Nirinjan Kaur and is used via YogiTunes.
The chant for Kirtan Kriya is Saa Taa Naa Maa, which each syllable having a specific vibration or meaning:
Saa: Beginning, infinity, cosmos
Taa: Life, existence
Naa: Change, Transformation, Death
Maa: Rebirth
Go here for more info on this meditation: