Inspire Studio

Outdoor Full Moon Women's Cacao & Sound Healing Journey
with Ruby Koa & Candace Blair

July 21 (Sunday)
at 5:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Outdoor Location

Ruby is so excited to collaborate with visiting Sound Healing Practicioner, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, and Cacaoista Candace Blair of South Carolina while on her West Coast tour. Please join them for a beautiful Full Moon Cacao & Sound Healing Experience where we will gather in sacred ceremony. Together, we will center as Ruby takes us through grounding exercises, a few yoga warm ups, & explores the meaning behind this Capricorn Full Buck moon. We'll share a shamanic dose of the highest  quality Guatemalan criollo bean cacao, selecting oracle cards, setting  intentions, & elevating our vibration through vocal alchemy before Candace leads us in a guided relaxation & visualization to our own  sacred healing space.

Then, all you have to do is receive the healing vibrations of their combined gongs, crystal & alchemy singing bowls,  monochord, rainstick, Koshi chimes, as you explore the wisdom shared by the Goddess and through heartfelt connection. There will be time for  optional journalling & sharing before we close the space. Cathy Herford & Saralee Sky will be sending restorative Reiki energy during the sound bath part to support your grounding and integration.

You're welcome to stay after for tea and snacks. Feel free to bring something to share.
Open to all women & femme identifying people

With: Ruby Koa and Candace Blair
When: Sunday July 21st, 5:00-7:00 pm, please arrive at least 10 minutes early to get set up, get your cacao, and choose your oracle card.

Pricing Tier: Early Bird Rate until 7/14: $35, then $40 until 7/20, Day of: $45, 15% off for members. Email Ruby to get the code. REGISTER HERE

A few work exchange positions for set up and take down. Text Ruby if you're interested at 360-447-8778.

*Payment Note: The credit card fee of $1.50 will be included in your total.

To avoid the fee (if there are still spots available), you can send your payment via Venmo and include your name and email and/or phone number, my handle is @ruby-koa (just please don’t press the "purchases" button as I get a fee).

Or you can use the email [email protected] to find me on Zelle, or to contact me to arrange payment by check or cash. Just put in the comments 7/21 Event, and once I receive your payment, I will register you manually.

Location: You'll be emailed with the exact address the day before the event, though it's in the Samish Neighborhood

What to bring: yoga mat, one or two blankets or sleeping bag, your favorite mug that holds at least 8oz., a journal, pen, and optional item for the altar.

More about Candace:
Candace received her KRI Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Certification with the Karam Kriya School in London. She is a trained Sound Healer, a certified “Cacaoista” and lead trainer for the Alchemy of Becoming methodology. Candace worked abroad, as an investment banker, for 23 years, before returning to the USA in 2017 to open her business, Soul Fire Social, focused on sharing her passion for Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Cacao Ceremonies, Shamanic Reiki and Sound Healing experiences.
“Kundalini Yoga” was the catalyst for a complete transformation of my life from broker to yogi, opening my mind & my heart to a multitude of healing modalities. It was through yoga I found my passion for teaching and desire to share these offerings to the world. Please join me for what I hope will be a transformational experience for YOU!”- Candace
Candace’s Kundalini classes & workshops are energetic and joyful, and open to practitioners of all levels. Her Sound Healings are a dynamic & transformational musical journey where participants are invited to relax & simply receive the healing vibrations of her ancient gongs, alchemy & crystal singing bowls, drums & Koshi bells. Her Sacred Cacao Ceremonies offer students the opportunity to experience a heart opening "plant medicine" ceremony, infused with ceremonial chocolate, focused intention setting, a deep guided meditation, transformational sound and shamanic journeying. Each event is bespoke & carefully curated to suit the needs of the individual or group.

Websites: (cacao focused)
Facebook: Soul Fire Social
Instagram: @candacekundalini
Youtube: Soul Fire Social (w. over 250 classes, meditations, sound healings)


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