Inspire Studio

Virtual Women's Full Moon Circle
with Ruby Koa


March 26 (Tuesday)
at 9:00 am (GMT-07:00)

Class length
90 minutes


On this Leo/Aquarius Full Moon, we'll be exploring the Goddess Parvati, which is fitting for the Feb. full moon as she represents love, devotion, sacred marriage, and more.

Let your intentions be magnified with other women as we open our bodies with yoga & movement to prepare for deep meditation. This event serves as a great opportunity to gather together with other like-minded women to celebrate and tap into our powerful feminine energy and to deepen our understanding and relationship to the cycles of the moon. 

The format of this event will include some clearing, centering, gentle kundalini and/or hatha yoga, some info. on the astrology of the full moon, possibly an oracle card reading, some sort of ritual or opportunity for reflection, writing, and sharing. 

Be sure not to miss this opportunity for connection and community! 

Please arrive at least 5 minutes early to settle in and gather your supplies so we can start on time. Have paper, pen, a yoga mat, a couple of blankets, a cleansing tool of your choice (sage, sweetgrass to burn or the kind you can spray...essential oils can work for this purpose as well), and a crystal or special item to place on your altar or mat. 

Price: $15 drop in, class passes and memberships apply. 


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