Inspire Studio

Kundalini Yoga with Gong Bath (In Person, At Presence Studio)
with Ruby Koa

October 7 (Saturday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
90 minutes

IN PERSON-Presence Studio

Join Ruby in these special Kundalini Yoga classes to undergo an overall tune up to synchronize with the current season and prepare for the next. Each class includes breathing, mantras, movement, stretching, meditation, and sound healing to strengthen the glandular, immune, and nervous system while balancing the chakras, heart, and mind. 

In May and June, we'll be practicing energetic sequences to cleanse and tune up various systems of the body, especially the liver and glandular system. Ruby will also be incorporating a lot of breath work.


Kundalini Yoga is a unique and dynamic practice open to all levels of students who wish to expand their minds and energy levels. Get a bit of workout while expanding your spiritual awareness at the same time! You can usually expect the warm ups to include some hatha yoga postures or sequences like sun salutes and often even some techniques from other modalities Ruby has picked up along the way. After the warm ups, we'll usually practice a kundalini kriya or sequence with focus that matches the theme of that particular day or the current season.

The shavasana or relaxation will include a 10-20 minute gong bath with either Ruby's Zildjian Symphonic Gong or her Planetary Synodic Moon Gong. Other instruments such as chimes, ocean drum, Tibetan and crystal singing bowls may sometimes be included as well. 


Yoga props will be available to borrow but please bring a yoga mat.

Tea and light snacks will be available after so you can connect with community.

With: Ruby Koa
Where: Presence Studio, 1412 Cornwall Ave.
Price: $20 drop in, all inclusive membership and class packages apply


This in person class is free to monthly auto pay members and usual class packages apply. If you think you have a class pass that expired, contact Ruby about reinstating it. If you have a class package already, register via this schedule instead. People who attend Ruby's online classes are welcome to use their Virtual Class Packages in these in person classes.

If you prefer the online version, select the online version of the class on this schedule.


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